If you have work permit (depends on your type of status of residence), Public Employment Service Office near you (or in your town), “Hello Work” can counsel or introduce jobs according to your interest, experience, or academic background.
There are about 600 branches all over Japan. They are connected by online system. You can check available job offers anywhere in Japan.
Visit the office near you. Also, Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners can provide the service in foreign languages.
Tokyo Employment Service Center for Foreigners
You can check some websites or applications for foreign job seekers
For example: Job information website dedicated to foreigners living in Japan. Download from below
In case that your employer does not pay your overtime fee or you are fired without any notice, please visit “Gaikokujin Rodosha Sodoan Corner (Advisory Services for Foreigner Workers)” in Tokyo Labor Bureau.
You may also call “Gaikokujin Rodosha Muke Sodan Dial (Telephone Consultation Services for Foreign Workers ) by Ministry of Health, Labor Standards.
Please see below for your inquiry:
Basic Labor Law, Labor Contract Law, the minimum wage, Industrial Safety and Health Act, and Worker’s Compensation Insurance Act and other Labor Standards apply to foreign workers are well.
In Japan, the law states that employers cannot have their employees work more than 8 hours a day and more than 40 hours a week.
If working hours is more than 6 hours a day, it is necessary for the employers to give their employees a break of over 45 minutes. If it is more than 8 hours, break time must be more than 1 hour.
About holidays, the law states that at least 1 day a week or more than 4 days in 4 weeks must be given.
How much is the minimum wage in Tokyo?
AThe minimum wage depends on prefectures. Hourly wage in Tokyo is 958 yen. In Kanagawa, the hourly wage is 956 yen.
If you have a contract with your employer with less than the minimum wage, it is legally invalid. You can ask your employer to pay the difference.